Winchmore Hill Bowls Club

Winchmore Hill Bowls Club - Bowling


As a new bowler the pathway to improvement is to come along to the Club and play as much as possible. Make friends with other new bowlers who would like to practise, sign up for the rink diary and book a rink. (See the link below). There are usually quiet times when rinks are available.

You are encouraged to join in the Club night 'roll-ups' on Wednesday and Friday evenings and play in a relaxed game of bowls. You will find that everyone is welcoming and willing to give help and advice. This is a perfect opportunity to become familiar with the rules and etiquette of the game and learn how to play in a team.

After the game players adjourn to the bar. It is a Club tradition that the winning team buy a drink for their opponents!

All new bowlers are allocated a mentor, one of our experienced members who will provide guidance and encouragement and is there to answer any questions you might have.


At the beginning of every season the Club runs regular complimentary coaching sessions on Monday mornings for new bowlers and any other members who would like to come along. Notice of the group sessions will be posted on the rink diary site.

Free personal coaching is also available by arrangement.

Competitive play

As your game improves there will be plenty of opportunities to put your skills into practice. The Club organises friendly matches with other local clubs and this is a good starting point to play in a competitive but relaxed game.

As you gain experience playing matches the more confident you will become. There are mixed, mens and ladies competitions playing singles, pairs, triples, handicap and non-handicap games.

Final Millenium Competition

The Club participates in both the Finchley & District Bowls Association and in the Middlesex County Competitions.

Every year the Team Captains hold a pre-season meeting to review the upcoming competitions and matches and give advice about what to expect and how to enter. For new bowlers this can be especially helpful. This is a good opportunity to ask questions and become familiar with the programme for the season.

Rink Diary online booking

The Club maintains an online booking system. Members may book a rink for practice (or to play matches) at any time during opening hours, except for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. These times are reserved for green maintenance.

Link arrow

Information for new bowlers

Green arrow Download Information for new bowlers 

How to play the game

A basic guide for beginners

Green arrow See How bowls is played