Social events
During the closed bowling season, from October to April, there is a varied programme of Saturday night social events including live music, quiz nights and military whist.
Last season featured The Bootleg Bee Gees tribute band, The London Bonnevilles, Tricks of the Trade and Cliff Richard tribute act Jimmy Jemain.

Christmas is celebrated with a carol concert followed by a Vaudeville performance in which a band of enthusiastic, talented members take to the stage. Comedy, slapstick, pantomine and general hilarity to bring the house down! Not to be missed.
There are also a number of bowling holidays organised including an annual trip to Cyprus in the spring and visits within the UK, often staying at Warners’ Leisure Hotels, to play bowls with neighbouring clubs.
Throughout the year there are regular canasta sessions on Friday afternoons. Canasta is a great game, which is easy to pick up, and everyone is welcome. There are also card sessions on the second and fourth Tuesday evening of the month where, as well as canasta, plenty of other games are available.
During the winter, bridge evenings take place on the first and third Tuesday of the month and a number of bridge drives are organised where people have the opportunity to play against members of neighbouring bowls and social clubs.